Personal Projects and Fan Art
Concept Sketches and Characters
Tabletop Printable Terrain
"Barbarian Kingdoms" Digital Sculpts
Jungle Printable Terrain / Aether Studios
Astral Temple Printable Terrain / Aether Studios
Space Bug Prairie Printable Terrain / Aether Studios
Tower of Roses Printable Terrain / Aether Studios
Defiled Nuclear Reactor Printable Terrain / Aether Studios
Valkyrie Shrine
Sacrificial Altar
The Astral Plexus
Steampunk Tesla Workshop / Sky Islands Kickstarter
Aircarrier Vehicle from Space Bug Prairie Kickstarter / Aether Studios
War Beast / Drumbeat of War KS
Raider Bike
Repair Worker Steampunk Airpod / Drumbeat of War KS
Atlantean Ruins Tabletop Terrain - "Depths of the Savage Atol" KS
Orca Airjet Vehicle from Space Bug Prairie Kickstarter / Aether Studios
Acorn Hut
Sacrificial Pyramid / Aztlan Awakens Kickstarter
Fantasy Forest Hut
Village Hut / Sundered Realms II KS
Train Raider Lightning Pod
Space Buggy
Plague Doctor Laboratory
Calibani Jungle Scatter Terrain / Sundered Realms II KS
Catacombs Tabletop Gaming Scenery
The Collosus of Vrai / Seven Wonders of Aach'yn
Temple of the Astral Mother
Radial Train Raider
The Time Machine / Aether Studios
Catacombs / Aether Studios
Feathered Serpent Entrance - Aether Studios
Voidwalkers Scenery / Eggnog and Brains KS (Aether Studios)
The Nightwing Racer
Cyberpunk Roadster / PD Variant
Alien Scorpids Colony Printable Tabletop Terrain
Space Bug Prairie Buggies
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